Sabtu, 01 Agustus 2015

Green Bay Banyuwangi

Green bay
Green Bay is a coastal attraction that is within the area of the National Park Meru Betiri, Sarongan, Pesanggaran, Banyuwangi, the location is about 90 kilometres from the city of Banyuwangi, So named because the seawater tends to green.

Acces from the city of Banyuwangi

From the city of Banyuwangi heading southwards passing Kabat, Rogojampi, Serono, Clearing, until arriving at the interaction of four Jajag villages, then turn left, Then the riders arrive at an intersection of four. Riders can take a left oblique direction through the village of Senoporejo Sambirejo and then break Kesilir Market. Or take the direction straight( through the village Gambiran, Gambian-Banorejo Bridge, then turn left towards Pedotan pass Tugu Tani Gunnungsari and Monuments P.Kusno, Then arrived at the intersection of four and turn right until arriving at the intersection Pedotan. After that riders can choose to take the direction White Buk left past until arriving at the intersection of Siliragung, or take direction to continue through the village and village Sukorejo Kesler and arrived at the intersection of four Siliragung. From the intersection, Siliragung rider can take the left oblique direction via Siliragung Head Office, Police Siliragung, then arrived at the intersection four and turn right past the bridge Kalibaru and arrived at the intersection of four Market studio, or take straight direction past the Bridge Siliragung-Sumbermulyo and Jalan Ahmad Kusnan and arrived at the intersection of four studio market. If the driver of the intersection of four Siliragung take a straight direction, arriving at the Crossroads Turtle can instantly turn right without passing through the Market Studio, through this path, will meet at a single point (Sumbermulyo Village Office) with the riders from the studio market. From the Village Office Sumbermulyo turn left towards the village of Sumberagung. After that, the rider arriving at the Crossroads Pancer, take the direction straight through mountain paths Gamping and Plantation Sungailembu. From here the condition of the road is still good to arrive at the tomb before Sungailembu where motorists turn left at crossroads Factory. From the tomb of a straight road until arriving at the Crossroads Kandangan. From there, riders can take a left past the residential area in the village and wooden bridge Kandangan Kandangan-Sarongan or take a straight line passing through Cambodgien Sumberbopong Sungailembu and Plantation Sumberjambe. Both of these paths will lead to Terminal / Market Sarongan. Market motorists heading south past the Pentecostal Church, Village Office Saroyan, Magnitude Hamlet, Hamlet and Hamlet Bayuran Rajegwesi and arrived at the checkpoint and ticket. a postal rider can take the left oblique direction (pass Rajegwesi Beach and turn right) or take a straight direction (past the Tsunami Housing) to arrive at the parking area of the vehicle which is located in the Gulf of Peace. From here the journey continues on a foot climbing lane along the 1 km on a small hill in arriving at Batu Beach. Batu Beach, Green Bay is only about 300 meters. The total journey is about 91 km.
Green Bay

From the city of Jember

From the city of Jember, take the direction toward Banyuwangi pass through the District Pakusari, Mayang and Silo to arrive in the Gaza Mrawan (guitar) to enter the district of Banyuwangi. The journey continues past the Kalibaru subdistrict, Glenmore and tile to arrive at crossroads tiles, Kulon. Turn left past the Sun East Mall, Village Yosomulyo and arrived at the intersection of four Jajag villages and turn right. From here the journey as well as from the city of Banyuwangi. The total trip is about 106 km.
Green Bay

Green Bay